tse ding


  • 13g HPPE Liner, Palm Coated Sandy Latex, Crotch Reinforcement

    13g HPPE Liner, Palm Coated Sandy Latex, Crotch Reinforcement

    Tlhaloso Re hlahisa sehlahisoa sa rona sa morao-rao - motsoako o phethahetseng oa boleng le ts'ebetso!Sehlahisoa sena se etselitsoe ho u fa ts'ebetso e ikhethang le ho tšoarella nako e telele, se etsa hore e be khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa litlhoko tsohle tsa hau tse amanang le mosebetsi.Cuff Tightness Elastic Origin Jiangsu ...
  • 13g HPPE Liner, 3/4 e koahetsoeng ke Sandy Nitrile

    13g HPPE Liner, 3/4 e koahetsoeng ke Sandy Nitrile

    Tlhaloso Re hlahisa tlatsetso ea rona ea morao-rao pokellong ea rona ea liatlana tsa mosebetsi, HPPE e lohiloeng lesela le nang le lehlabathe le khethehileng la nitrile letsohong la palema.Liatlana tsena li etselitsoe ho fana ka tšireletso e phahameng le matšeliso ho motho ea e apereng, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e phethahetseng bakeng sa mefuta e mengata ea liindasteri ...
  • 18g HPPE Liner, Plam Coated Anti Static Nitrile

    18g HPPE Liner, Plam Coated Anti Static Nitrile

    Tlhaloso Re hlahisa boqapi ba rona ba morao-rao - liatlana tse sehiloeng tse sehiloeng tse nang le HPPE fiber.E etselitsoe ho fihlela litlhoko tsa lits'ebetso tse boima, liatlana tsena li fana ka khanyetso e phahameng ka ho fetesisa ea ho seha le ho hanyetsa ka mokhoa o babatsehang oa ho abrasion.Cuff Tightness Elastic Origi...
  • 13g Nylon Liner Le 13g Feather Yarn Liner Hare, Plam Coated Smooth Nitrile

    13g Nylon Liner Le 13g Feather Yarn Liner Hare, Plam Coated Smooth Nitrile

    Tlhaloso: Lisebelisoa tse ntle ka ho fetisisa li ile tsa sebelisoa ho theha liatlana tsa rona tsa premium knitted polyester, tse fanang ka tšireletso le matšeliso a molemo ka ho fetisisa ha li ntse li tiisa ho fetoha habonolo le boiketlo ba tšebeliso maemong a fapaneng a indasteri.Cuff Tightness Elastic Origin Jiangsu Length Customized Tradema...
  • 13g Nylon Liner, Palm Coated Red Foam Nitrile

    13g Nylon Liner, Palm Coated Red Foam Nitrile

    Tlhaloso Na u hloka liatlana tse sebetsang hantle haholo tse tla u fa matla le boiketlo bo ikhethang letsatsi lohle?Sheba nts'etsopele ea rona ea morao-rao ea sehlahisoa, liatlana tse lohiloeng tsa nylon tse 13 tse nang le pente e phekotsoeng ea nitrile.Cuff Tightness Elastic Origin Jiangsu Length...
  • 10g T / C khoele, Palm Coated Black Foam Nitrile

    10g T / C khoele, Palm Coated Black Foam Nitrile

    Tlhaloso Ho hlahisa sehlahisoa sa rona sa morao-rao - glove ea ho qetela ea mosebetsi e fanang ka matšeliso a ke keng a lekanngoa le ho tšoara, esita le maemong a thata ka ho fetisisa a ho sebetsa.Liatlana tsa rona li etselitsoe ho boloka matsoho a hau a sirelelitsoe a bile a phutholohile, kahoo o ka etsa mesebetsi ea hau habonolo le ka lekunutu ...
  • 13g Nylon Liner, Palm Coated Sandy Nitrile

    13g Nylon Liner, Palm Coated Sandy Nitrile

    Tlhaloso Re hlahisa nyehelo ea rona e ncha ka ho fetisisa: tlelafo ea ho qetela ea mosebetsi e fanang ka matšeliso a ke keng a lekanngoa le ho hohela tlas'a maemo a lekang ka ho fetisisa.Liatlana tsa rona li etselitsoe ho boloka matsoho a hau a bolokehile a bile a le monate hore o tsebe ho phethela mesebetsi ea hau ka kholiseho le bonolo.Cuff Tightness Elastic Orig...
  • Liner ea Masiba ea 13g, Palm Coated Green Foam Nitrile

    Liner ea Masiba ea 13g, Palm Coated Green Foam Nitrile

    Tlhaloso Ho hlahisa motheo o mocha oa liatlana tse lohiloeng tse entsoeng ka theknoloji ea likhoele tsa masiba, tse etselitsoeng ho fana ka boemo bo ke keng ba lekanngoa ba boiketlo le bonolo.Cuff Tightness Elastic Origin Jiangsu Bolelele Letšoao la Khoebo le Tloaelehileng Letšoao la Khoebo le Tloaelehileng Mobala oa Boikhethelo Nako ea thomello Ka matsatsi a 30 Lipalangoang P...
  • 13g Nylon Liner, Plam Coated Anti Static Nitrile

    13g Nylon Liner, Plam Coated Anti Static Nitrile

    Tlhaloso Re hlahisa mokhoa oa rona oa morao-rao oa tšireletso ea matsoho - liatlana tse lohiloeng tsa nylon tse etselitsoeng ho ba bobebe, ho hema, ho phutholoha, le ho tenyetseha.Cuff Tightness Elastic Origin Jiangsu Length Length Length Letshwao la Khoebo le Tloaelehileng Mobala o Ikhethetseng Nako ea thomello Mabapi...
  • 13g Nylon Liner, 3/4 Coated Smooth Nitrile Pele, Palm Coated Sandy Nitrile E Felisitsoe

    13g Nylon Liner, 3/4 Coated Smooth Nitrile Pele, Palm Coated Sandy Nitrile E Felisitsoe

    Tlhaloso Re hlahisa High Elastic Nylon Glove, nyehelo ea rona e ncha ka ho fetisisa.Liatlana tsena li entsoe ho sebelisoa theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ka ho fetesisa 'me e fana ka lisebelisoa tse lekanang hantle tsa matsoho, tse thibelang ho thella le ho ts'oara ho khotsofatsa litebello tsa sejoale-joale.Cuff Tightness Elastic Origin Jiangsu Length Customized T...
  • Mohala oa Polyester oa 13g, o Apesitsoe ka ho Feletseng o Boreleli Nitrile Pele, o Felisitsoe ka Lehlabathe la Nitrile la Palm

    Mohala oa Polyester oa 13g, o Apesitsoe ka ho Feletseng o Boreleli Nitrile Pele, o Felisitsoe ka Lehlabathe la Nitrile la Palm

    Tlhaloso Re hlahisa liatlana tsa rona tsa boleng bo holimo tse lohiloeng tsa nylon, tse entsoeng ka lisebelisoa tse ntle ka ho fetisisa ho fana ka tšireletso le boiketlo bo nepahetseng ha re ntse re netefatsa ho tenyetseha ho hoholo le boiketlo ba tšebeliso libakeng tse fapaneng tsa mosebetsi.Cuff Tightness Elastic Origin Jiangsu Length Letšoao la Khoebo le Itokiselitsoeng...
  • 13g Nylon Liner, Palm Coated Smooth Nitrile

    13g Nylon Liner, Palm Coated Smooth Nitrile

    Tlhaloso Re hlahisa liatlana tsa rona tsa nylon tse lohiloeng tsa boleng bo holimo, tse entsoeng ka lisebelisoa tse ntle ka ho fetisisa ho netefatsa maemo a feto-fetohang le boiketlo ba tšebeliso maemong a fapaneng a indasteri ha re ntse re fana ka tšireletso le boiketlo bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa.Cuff Tightness Elastic Origin Jiangsu Length Letšoao la Khoebo le Itokiselitsoeng...